is my very short story I originally write in Javanese Language (Basa
Jawa). I hope this could help those who want to learn more about the
language. I provide also the English translation in order to make you
easier to comprehend what the story is about. Happy reading!
pitu lewat seprapat. Aku iso ngingetné kowe lagi mangan ning ngarep
tivi karo lungguh silah ning ndhuwur sofa empuk. Sing kok ingeti dudu
piringmu, tapi gambar ning tivimu. Aku krungu kowé nganti misuh-misuh
barang pas gambaré ora metu mergo wong tuamu telat mbayar langganan tivi
satelit sing dadi hiburan kelangenanmu. Nek ngono kowé banjur mbanting
remote sing kok cekel, terus neruské sarapanmu karo mucu-mucu.
Iki dino minggu, mulané kowé ora kesusu ndang adus koyo biyasané yen
wayah sekolah. Bubar sarapan koe langsung mlebu kamar mandi karo ngesaki
HP qwerty. Mergo kemajuan teknologi, kowé saiki iso ngising karo nyambi
update status facebook lewat OperaMini.
Ibukmu, ning pawon, bengak-bengok nyeluk kowé supoyo ndang metu. Iki
wayahé ngeterké ibukmu blonjo ning pasar, tapi kowé malah ethok-ethok
ora krungu. Ibukmu wis ora sronto, banjur nggedhor-nggedhor lawang kamar
mandiné, mergo wis setengah jam luwih kowé ora metu-metu.
“Sik to, Bu. Atos ki lho.” Jawabmu karo ngeden supoyo ibukmu percoyo
yen kowé lagi bebelen. Padahal genah ning njero kowé lagi facebook-an.
“Yo wis. Aku budhal dhéwé. Tapi titènono sesuk kowé ‘ra tak wènèhi
sangu.” Ibukmu ngancam karo nesu. Mergo ora kok terké, ibukmu ning pasar
Sesuk esuk, wayahé budhal sekolah, kowé bingung nggolèki ibukmu. Sragam
wis rapi, sarapan wis dicepaki, tapi isih ono sing kèri.
“Buk, njaluk sangu...” Tanganmu nyadhong koyo wong ngemis. Tapi ibukmu tetep mbisu koyo-koyo tutuké kesumpelan gombal.
Dino iki kowé budhal sekolah tanpo entuk sangu. Pulsamu entèk ora iso
ngisi. Teko ngomah, koyo adat biasané, kowé banjur nyetèl tivi, pengen
nonton CSI Miami ning Channel 51. Nanging dhasar nasibmu lagi apes, sing
keno ditonton jebul mung TVRI.
* * * * *
English translation :
was quarter past seven. I could see you devouring your breakfast before
the TV screen, sitting cross-legged in a soft sofa. Your eyes didn’t
stare at your plate, instead, you stared at the screen. I heard you
swearing when the channel you chose didn’t come up because your parents
forgot to pay the cable TV bill before the due time. Then you would
fling the RC in your hand, than went on eating your meal.
It was Sunday, so that you did not have to hurry to take a shower as
you did every morning if it were your school day. After finishing your
meal, you straightly headed to the toilet with your brand new QWERTY
mobile in your pocket. Thanks for the advance of technology, now you
could update your status on Facebook via OperaMini while you took a shit.
In the kitchen, your mom called you out in a loud voice, asked you to
get out of the toilet soon. It was time to take your mum to the local
market, but you just pretended not to hear her shouting. Being out of
patient, your mum banged on the toilet’s door because 30 minutes had
passed and you didn’t seem to come out yet.
“Wait a second, Mum. I think I got a severe constipation,” you said in a
deep breath as to make your mum thought that you were really had a
problem with your excretion . In fact, you were still browsing the webs
“Alright, sweety. I’d better go on my own. But you won’t get any pocket
money for tomorrow.” Your mom menaced in fury. She then walked along to
the market because you didn’t want to take her there.
The next morning, you were about to go to school, you looked for your
mom. Your had clad in neat uniforms, the breakfast had already served on
the table, but still there was something left.
“Mom, I think you don’t give me the pocket money yet.” You begged it,
stretching your hand like a beggar. However, your mom remained silent as
if a napkin had clogged up her mouth.
Today, you went to school without pocket money. Your run out your
credits and you were unable to recharge it. Arriving home, as usual, you
would turn on the TV to watch CSI Miami in Channel 51. But, alas, how pathetic you were. The only available channel was TVRI*.
TVRI is the only TV station formerly owned by the government in
Indonesia. It doesn’t air advertisements and is free of charge to watch.