Ngrokok kui wis dadi kebutuhan pokok mayoritas wong Indonesia. Jarene koncoku, nek sakwise mangan ora ngudud (ngrokok) cangkeme rasane pahit. Ning Indonesia pancen durung ono undang-undang sing ngatur masalah ngrokok. Dadi cah sekolah yo entuk ngrokok, sing penting ora ngrokok ning sekolahan lan panggonan umum sing ono tulisane “Dilarang Merokok!” koyoto stasiun, rumah sakit, lan pom bensin. Nadian Majelis Ulama Indonesia nate ngetokke fatwa nek ngrokok kui haram alias doso nek tetep dilakoni, tapi tetep wae akeh poro ulama sing tetep ngrokok. Aku nate krungu salah sijining ulama kotbah lewat radio koyo mengkene, “Ngrokok kuwi apik, tapi luwih apik nek ora ngrokok.” Aku terus mesam-mesem dhewe. Berarti aku luwih apik tinimbang kiyaine.
Menurut pengamatanku, nek ono wong
lanang ning Indonesia sing ora doyan rokok kui mergo patang perkoro.
- Wong kuwi durung nate ngrokok lan durung ngerti enake ngrokok.
- Wong kuwi lagi poso.
- Wong kuwi nduwe penyakit parah sing jarene doktere bakal enggal mati nek tetep ngrokok.
- Wong kuwi ora nduwe rokok gek ora nduwe dhuwit kanggo tuku.
Biasane wong sing iso ngilari rokok kui
mergo kepekso, mergo urusane karo bondho lan nyowo. Nek awak sehat
lan isih iso golek utangan, ora malah mandheg olehe ngudud (stop
smoking), tapi mandheg ning warung kanggo ngebon udud sak korèké
(stop to smoke).
Smoking has become a basic need for
the majority of Indonesian. My friend said if he didn't smoke right
after he finished his meal, he would feel bitter in the mouth.
Indeed, there isn't any regulation which may restrict the consumption
of cigarette. Hence, even students are allowed to smoke as long as
they don't do it at school or public places in which “No Smoking!”
sign is found, like in railway stations, hospitals, and gas stations.
Despite the MUI's fatwa (a religious order or consensus issued by
Muslim leaders) which states that smoking is forbidden or, in other
words, it is a sin, many ulama still commit this sinful act. I once
heard an ulama preached on the radio, “Smoking is good, but it's
better if you don't smoke.” Then I grinned, realizing that I'm
actually better than the preacher.
Based on my observation, there are
four reasons why an Indonesian man refuses to smoke:
- He has never smoked a cigarette before and has no idea what it tastes like.
- He is fasting.
- He suffers from a severe disease and the doctor said he would die quicker if he didn't give up smoking.
- He ran out of cigarette and couldn't afford to buy a new pack.
Usually, people give up smoking not
because deliberately they want to do so. It's because they can't
afford it or when it becomes a matter of life and death. As long as
they are healthy enough and able to find someone to borrow money
from, instead of trying to stop smoking, they would rather stop to
smoke in a stall and pay the bill later.
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